Interested? |
- in the industrial or workmanlike production?
- in a licence for a determined project?
- as a producer of:
light-weight- structures,
metal-, timber- constructions,
trade fair furniture, vehicles?
- as a producer of:
spatial trusses,
facade elements,
flexible partition wall systems,
sandwich panels?
- as a planner (architect, engineer, facade planner)?
- as a private client who wants to build?
- as a general or building contractor?
Further Information: |
Florian Tuczek
Dipl.-Ing. Architekt
Annenstr. 7
D-04109 Leipzig, Germany
phone: +49 341 6882602
fax: +49 341 26427002
e-mail: ft@dome-scape.com
last update: Feb. 15th, 2012
protected by patents
in USA, France, and Germany
The following address contains a search machine.
Just enter "Florian Tuczek" as "Anmelder" (= applicant) and start the search:
www.depatisnet.de |
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